Registration & Accommodation
On-Demand Registration for NACLC 2022 is Closed
Please use the email that you registered your IASLC membership with, to be recognized by the system and to be able to register as an IASLC member. If you don’t know the email you are registered with, please contact [email protected].
Not a Member of the IASLC yet? Please enter your email address below to start your registration.
- Virtual Registration
(After September 1, 2022)
IASLC Member
300 USD
Non-IASLC Member
400 USD
Students, Health Workers, Professional Advocates, Nurses – Member*
125 USD
Students, Health Workers, Professional Advocates, Nurses – Non Member*
150 USD
Virtual Attendance Registration Fee Includes:
- Full registration includes access to the live days content from September 23-25, 2022, including recordings available until December 25, 2022.
*Proof of status needs to be provided during the online registration process. Please provide a student card or an official letter on your institution/organization’s letterhead which indicates proof of your status as a Student, Fellow, Trainee, Patient Advocate, Registered Nurse or Allied Health Professional.
**Developing Nations: List of countries available at
All fees for Meeting registration should be paid in USD dollars ($) in advance to the IASLC 2022 North America Conference on Lung Cancer Meeting Secretariat. Payments are accepted by credit card only (Visa, Mastercard, American Express).
Detailed information will be provided during the registration process.
Registration cancellations received in writing at the IASLC 2022 North America Conference on Lung Cancer Meeting Secretariat’s address before August 19, 2022 will be accepted and all fees refunded, less a 150 USD administrative fee for in-person registration and 50 USD for virtual registrations. Cancellations received on or after August 20, 2022 will not be refunded; however, transfer of your registration to another person is acceptable. This can be done by re-accessing your registration. No refunds will be made for non-attendance at the meeting.
Donations to the International Lung Cancer Foundation are non-refundable.
Registration and attendance at, or participation in NACLC 2022 constitutes an agreement by the registrant to NACLC’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes.
The Conference Secretariat (International Conference Services Ltd.) is the official housing bureau for IASLC 2022 North America Conference on Lung Cancer and will offer assistance with the coordination of housing requirements for the Meeting. Special rates and added complimentary amenities will only be available to delegates who book through the official housing bureau. Although the associations and the housing bureau will do their due diligence and negotiate the lowest possible group rates, we cannot predict future offers made by competing hotels. However, we urge all sponsors, exhibitors and delegates to support the Meeting and book through the official housing bureau. The success of the Meeting and the supporting associations depends on you using the contracted hotel.
After completing your registration for NACLC 2022 you will receive a link to book accommodations at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile. The deadline to book accommodation is August 26, 2022.
Contact Information

IASLC 2022 North America Conference on Lung Cancer Meeting Secretariat
c/o International Conference Services Ltd. (ICS)
710 – 1201 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6E 2V2
Phone +1 604 681 2153
For registration questions:
Registration Secretariat: [email protected]
For any other questions:
Conference Secretariat: [email protected]